Everything About Relationship of Thyroid with hair loss

Hair loss is the growing factor in both sexes which further leads to male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. But everyone wants to get more smooth, long, and shiny hair which is not possible without good lifestyle habits, a healthy diet or some other changes. Majority of people suffer from hair fall due to bad hairstyle habits or over hair washing. Moreover, you can also experience hair fall due to certain health conditions such as PCOS, PCOD, and thyroid problems. These days thyroid-related hair fall is on the peak because thyroid affects your hormones badly. In order to treat this thyroid-related hair fall, you have to first understand the thyroid condition, what it is actually.What is Thyroid?The thyroid is explained as gland which is basically located in the neck and contains two main hormones named as tri-iodothyronine and thyroxin. In addition, these both the hormones are useful to maintain the production of amino acid tyrosine. And these both the hormones tri-iodothyronine and thyroxin contain iodine as well. In addition, fluctuations in the thyroid can result in two main kinds such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. In which, hypothyroidism condition can cause excessive hair loss, weight gain, and some other health conditions, for example, brittle nails, slow speech, and dry skin. Whereas, hyperthyroidism condition can lead to weight loss, oily skin, weakness in muscles, excessive sweating, and puffy eyes.How thyroid and hair loss related together?Hormones play an important role in hair growth, and thyroid hormones also play an important role in hair growth because these directly linked to hair follicles. A recent study shows that fluctuations in those thyroid hormones can lead to excessive hair fall. Which then lead to a male pattern or female pattern baldness. Moreover, a thyroid condition can cause obesity or underweight condition in both sexes which are linked to hair fall and prevents hair growth. Since these, both conditions can lead to changes in hormones either these are normal hormones or thyroid related hormones. Many people are worried about the type of hair loss and they want to know it this a type of female pattern baldness. Yes, this can further lead to female pattern baldness which can only be treated with the help of hair transplant. This hair transplant surgery is considered as primary hair loss treatment. Symptoms of thyroidThe main symptom of the thyroid is weight gain or loss depends on the type of thyroid. Then you may experience some other signs such as excessive hair fall, changes in hair texture, dry hair, brittle nails, and so on. In this situation, you need to get better treatment so that you can get rid of hair fall and thyroid problem as well. Moreover, You must talk to your primary care doctor so that he can suggest something better in order to treat both the conditions of thyroid and hair fall. Otherwise, you just visit us once for better evaluation and treatment too. Because we have the best doctors who are well trained and skilled as well.