Everything About Decline of Male fertility

Male fertility is explained as an ability to have your own child with natural way.In this era, the majority of people are suffering from fertility problems which lead them to infertility. Infertility means an inability to conceive a baby with natural way. This is not only the problem of females but males also suffer from this condition because of some tissues. Moreover, in this guide, we will show you how male fertility declines as compare to previous years. Male fertility versus female fertilityIn the previous years, people only blame women for infertility but this is not only the problem of female but in fact male also experience this condition. In addition, if we talk about female then we have to understand about female fertility. Female fertility describes as the ability to produce healthy eggs every month during the ovulation period which further helps in pregnancy or conception. Not everyone aware of this that women are born with eggs and these eggs play an important role in fertility.Male fertility is described as sperm count and healthy sperm cells which are additionally known as sperm motility. Moreover, a recent study shows that men are able to produce 200 or 300 new sperm cells every day. So, female fertility is totally in contrast to male fertility.Causes of Male Fertility DeclineThere are several issues which describe the declination of male fertility such as age, environmental factors, injury to the penis, genetic reasons, and poor lifestyle habits. - Poor lifestyle habitsMen who are regular smoker and drinker are at greater risk of infertility. The over-consumption of liquor and some other type of drugs. Moreover, overheating is also responsible for the low sperm count which directly linked to infertility. - Medical problemsThere are some medical issues which can lead to male infertility. These include illness, cancer, sexual intercourse problems, anatomic problems, and so on. In addition, these all the problems affect your sperm count and leads you to poor sperm motility which additionally causes male infertility.  In addition, a certain type of illness include infections, anti-sperm antibodies, epididymitis, and sexually transmitted infections. Moreover, you can also cause this problem due to low testosterone hormones which play an important role in fertility. - ObesityObesity is the main reason behind infertility in males. This can only be treated with the help of male infertility treatment known as ICSI, which is useful for those who are suffering from low sperm count due to many factors. You must visit our IVF centre so that you can get the best infertility treatment. - Cancer treatmentCancer treatment such as chemotherapy which does not only kill your cancer growth cells but also kills your healthy cells which are useful to produce healthy sperm cells. There is a certain type of medications such as ulcer drugs, supplements in order to build muscles, and antifungal treatments or medicines. - AgeOld age people are not able to produce healthy sperm cells because of certain medical conditions or not proper health. So, old age is also responsible for male fertility declination. You should talk to the doctor in order to treat your this fertility problem so that can also enjoy the parenthood.