A Quick Guide to Making Wood Moldings with A Router

If you want to figure out how to produce wood moldings using a router, it can be a bit difficult just using a router with its own parts, although not hopeless, and in this little manual you find out how to get it done the ideal way. To find out more details on wood molding, you have to browse toolsroute.com website. Sticking to a few steps can help you reach your goal. Step One: Find the Right Stock Discarded planks have been overlooked, but knowing how many linear feet of molding you can get from salvaged planks can save you a lot of money. And you'll probably be awesome with any boards you find as long as you: Avoid planks with attachments attached that will be difficult to remove completely. Chemically treated jump boards, eg pressure treated walnut. Select a wood species that matches the type of finish you are thinking of. Avoid cedar and redwood or any other wood that would be difficult to pick up the paint - if you are likely to use paint for your workpiece. Work with boards slightly thicker than the target thickness if using a thickness planer. Locate boards that match the intended thickness if you are not using a planer. Fill up on more than you need as you will certainly find hidden flaws when you start milling. Step two: prepare your inventory to be milled When looking to generate a molding using a router, be sure to free your wood from any metal objects. Otherwise, you will spoil your machine. It is possible to use the bracket of an inexpensive metal detector by quickly moving it along all four sides of this board. Step Three: Setting Up The Scene For Creating A Molding Using A Router Make sure everything is protected and securely fastened in place. It is possible to create a tiny insert on your saw table. As an alternative, you can use a board with a hole with a sturdy easel. Make sure you are using the correct screws to mount the router into the surface. Think of it like creating a massive router plate. Choose bearing-guided parts to cope with setting up a manual fence. "Tip: Buying router parts in places is much cheaper than buying them separately." If you are working with longer strands, set an exit surface to encourage it. It will make your work more comfortable and safer. Step 4: Take Your Own Safety Precautions Wear hearing protection, remove all jewelry and loose clothing, and put on a respirator if your device's dust collection system is not working. Before starting your own machine, be sure to protect your own ears, eyes, hands and lungs. Step 5: Start Creating Your Moldings Using A Router Do not attempt to run thin pieces throughout the table saw as this can be very dangerous. Place the shape you need on the larger card using your router. In this way, you will mill the profile on the face of the board, cut it from the board, and then repeat the procedure. Before you mill anything, try correcting and testing the small height on a specimen to maximize the truth of your own cuts. If you are looking to speed up the cutting process, place the profile on either side of the board. When you use the workpiece all the way through the table saw against the fence, the contoured edges will cut your time in half as much as you want. Tip: Repeat the navigation and sawing until you have more bits than you really need. Doing all of your milling in one motion will save you having to set everything up again and reduce the risk that your cut will not match the one you made afterwards.