when you\'ll read this you\'ll know that I\'m happy

when I never see you.I had a dream I think that I never really waked up I tried to start a second part of it but failed misserably I know that never is never but what if I just closed my eyes it would wanish. I felt a sting in my eyes when you stoped I heard a heart break never tought that it was yoursI heard my toughts opened up for youwhat you'll get when you trust someone is what you'll tought that you know that you gotI never said this to someone like you but I never tought that I was going to meet someone like youI never emagin that posible but alwaysed dreamed about that daywhen I don't speak about you I'll will probobly think about you and when you hear someone else thigt to you I'll know that our time was the best of a life timeBut I hope you'll be happy even until the end.  _________________________________________________________________99 times to youI want to hold you just one time i never really had you did you remeberd our lonly life always in shadow it really showed your life when I don't know you when who will when i love you more then i can say how will i say good bye when you'r gone i alwaysd count the stepes of you that mounth thinking that it will never be more then 32 but that day it was 99 love dosen't change colour it just change personethe closet was to small for you that time I staied thinking that you'll be back some day did i ever count your steps then? small feet up to the big bed cries to hard to understand when someone hates and loves it imposiblei have writen so many hearts just thinking about you even more then 99 times ____________________________________________________________________  I dag var helt otrolig men människor förstog inte känslan jag hhade i dag jag levde om man säger så jag vet inte, men idag var bra. Jag gjorde nånavundsjuk, jag gjorde ett hjärta starkt, jag var mig själv. Önskar att jag kunde vara som jag alla dagar. Men men jag ska fara på träning snart ska nog få se dom små 'lejonen' (hockey lag) Jag önskar att jag kunde få Se Niko, kimi ni atakute. Jaa jag mår bra små sår men alldeles finemang. snart alla hjärtans dag, bajs jag vet att jag inte kommer att få några piss kort.... Jag blir typ ledsen av någon ledning. Ajaa nu ska jag fara på träning sen så ska jag göra lexoor -.- sen så blir det att sova så ses darlings people supries you when you least expect it Nyappy Love is everything   Jrock Rocks And GazettE rock is not dead  ... LoVe SIrI <3